octet.fm official launch!

octet.fm official launch!

This is octet.fm, a brand new, 24/7 radio station. There are a sea of talented musicians making music out there today who both individually, and collectively have been pioneering new sounds that deserve a spotlight. This platform is dedicated to helping shine a light on these musicians, the talented visual artists who they've chosen to work with along the way, and the community they've fostered.

Things will be up ramping up in the coming weeks introducing much more than a 24/7 broadcast of some of the most forward thinking and creative musicians alive today. However, those are the projects of tomorrow. Today I'm happy to enjoy the official launch of octet.fm for what is it: a radio station of artists and labels that have been curated starting around 2019.

To keep updated with the big things in store for the this website, the community and the radio station itself you can subscribe and we promise to only send you news & updates about octet.fm!
